Author name: Steve Lawrence

A Work of Art

A Work of Art

You are a work of art. Think of your grandparents, all four and their grandparents, all 16,and their grandparents, all 64. Take that back ten generations and picture YOU standing atop a tall pyramid of people, ALL of them your ancestors. Now, ask yourself what they all had in common? They were survivors!!! Break that chain anywhere and you disappear. In your past, so many people lived and loved and died just to put you where you now stand. 99 percent of all matter in the entire universe is dead, inert matter. You are alive! What a beautiful, blessed,wonderfully luckyWork of Art you are!  



I’ve found a narrow Slice of time, A pause that steals A beating heart.   When untold wonders Flood my mind As breath And sight Grow far apart.   And reaching for The Light, I find The end of life Is but the start.



REMEMBER In the Grandfather days When we were the many And Man the few The Herd was so large The sun took three tries Crossing the skies As we passed by you. Some died to feed you then. We remember.   We were so many Our backs covered the land, Like a forest Of moving hair and skin. Some died to clothe you then. We remember.   The continuous sound As our hooves struck the ground Was almost as loud As “Thunder in Cloud” Some died to shelter you then. We remember.   And now, Man, that you Are the many And we the few What will you  In wisdom do? Will you remember?

Memorial Day
Mayors Opinions

Memorial Day Speech

Thank you Commandant and thank you distinguished  guests and ladies and gentleman for attending today’s memorial service. I feel deeply honored by Commandant Bill Craig’s invitation to speak today. It is my pleasure to stand before you as a Veteran, as your Mayor and as a patriotic American citizen. In 1863,President Abraham Lincoln was asked to deliver a “message” at the dedication of the Gettysburg, Pa civil war cemetery. The featured speaker was Edward Everett, a former Dean of Harvard University and a famous speaker of that time. Mr. Everett spoke for two hours! Then, President Lincoln gave his message that we now know as the Gettysburg Address. That now famous speech contained only 272 words and and took two minutes to deliver! Today, I will attempt to follow President Lincolns example of brevity! After the Civil War, a group of  survivors, their families and friends began a tradition of using flowers to decorate the graves of those soldiers who died in battle. In 1868, they formally adopted the name of Decoration Day and that tradition continued through other wars to become what we now know as Memorial Day. The date of May 30 was chosen because that’s when the flowers bloom. In 1971, We declared Memorial Day a national holiday. We set aside this day to pay solemn tribute to the more than one million men and women who have died in military service since the civil war began in 1861. In Pickens County, we can add many family names to that honor roll of Heroes. World war 1, Family names of Barrett, Brooks, Carver and Elrod. Here are a few from ww2, Bruce, Dorsey, Evans, Fowler, Reece, Boyd. Korea, Burrell, Bunch Vietnam: Langley, young, Boling Many here today remember Sgt David Collins who died in Iraq. Ladies and gentleman, every single one of those million plus soldiers who sacrificed their lives, their homes scattered all across this country, had mothers and fathers and families and friends who mourned their deaths. Just as we do in Pickens County. Those brave soldiers Did Not Die in Vain! Because of their sacrifices, these United States of America still stand strong today! Because of their sacrifices, we are Able to stand before the world as free and independent men and women! Because of their sacrifices, our nation still shines as a beacon of light and a place of freedom and hope in this world! President Ronald Reagan said, “There is no force in this world greater than the will and moral courage of the American Soldier.” Across our nation today, in small towns like Jasper, Ga, Cottonwood Alabama, or Council Grove Ks as well as larger cities such as Pittsburgh, Pa, Portland, Or and Atlanta, Ga we gather together with our speeches, with our parades and with our flowers to honor the memory of  these brave men and women, our fallen heroes. We know that we can never give them as much as they gave us. They gave all! But, here Today, in this time and at this place we Honor and remember their ultimate sacrifice. We commend their souls to almighty God and ask his blessings on these United States. Thank you!

Articles, Poetry

Flower Child

Flower Child   Where are you Flower child Who stopped time To smell a rose   Sang your song Of peace And changed The way we see Our world.   As your Gucci-clad feet Now stride The polished halls Of corporate America   Sans Song Sans Peace Sans Rose   Can you still recall The feel Of Mother Earth Between your naked toes.


The Space Quilt

The Space Quilt When we married, It didn’t come as a complete surprise to learn that my wife Kay was a quilter. As a part of our Southern heritage, that skill set has been passed down from grandmothers to mothers to daughters for generations. And for good reasons. Those quilts have warmed many of us on cold winter nights. As time went on, Kay crafted quite a few quilts. Many for babies, some for family, some for non-profits to be auctioned to benefit their cause. None of them were for me. Fast forward several years and I finally amassed the courage to ask if I might have a quilt made just for my use. Kay’s immediate response and only question was to ask what kind of quilt I wanted. After a moment of thought, I asked for a space quilt. As you can see from the accompanying photo, she did a great job of granting my wish.  No, it’s not a full size quilt, but I imagine in your lifetime you have seen these lap quilts used by friends or relatives. It’s the perfect size for what I wanted! About two months ago, I had major surgery to remove the remaining cancer left after a full regimen of radiation and then Chemo.  The operation was a success. One of the side effects of radiation, chemo and surgery was a feeling of being cold, no matter what temperature we set the thermostat.  My space quilt was used daily.  I am finally recovering from the cold feelings. Besides crafting an excellent quilt and managing a very large banking job, Kay has become a proficient nurse and has help me in countless ways through this long journey of cancer. I can not express how appreciative I am for her loving care. I am also very thankful and ever grateful for the support and prayers extended to us by family, friends and our wonderful community. My prognosis is good, the Doctors think they removed all of the cancer and, hopefully, I am on my way to recovery.  I’m still keeping that quilt close by!

Congressman Barry Loudermilk Visits American Legion
Mayors Opinions

Congressman Barry Loudermilk Visits American Legion

On Saturday, March 09, 2024 Congressman Barry Loudermilk addressed the Jasper Post 149 of the American Legion. In a speech lasting almost an hour, the former Air Force Veteran  displayed a rare talent to be open, vulnerable and compassionate with his audience. On June 17,  2017, Congressman Loudermilk was a playing participant at the Republican practice baseball game held in Alexandria, Virginia when a gunman walked onto the field opened fire on the politicians.  His telling of that story, as well as other events experienced by him and his family was captivating,  well received and appreciated by all.   Congressman Loudermilk represents the 11th Congressional District.  He was first elected to congress in 2014.  We thank him for his military service and for his commitment to serve us in Congress.

Feed Your Friends

Feed Your Friends

Friendship is like a flower. If you feed it with tender loving care, it will grow such beautiful blossoms. Stop, and it immediately begins to wither away. Left alone long enough, it will die. Feed your friends! The world needs more beautiful things, not less.

Veterans Day Speech
Mayors Opinions

Veterans Day Speech

Good morning! Distinguished guests, veterans,  and ladies and gentleman. My name is Steve Lawrence and I am the Mayor of Jasper. I am also a veteran. I come from a family of veterans My father was a decorated combat veteran of wwII. My brother served 2 tours in Viet Nam. Like so many of you here today, we were proud to be Americans and proud to serve our country. Today is veteran’s day.  We celebrate this annually as a day of remembrance honoring all those who have served in the United States armed forces, both past and present. How many of you veterans here today represent the United States Marine Corps? Yesterday was your 248th Birthday. Happy Birthday you magnificent warriors. Let’s give the Marines a hand of celebration! For those who have not served, your presence here today honors every one of us who served and we are ever grateful for your recognition and support of our veterans. To those of you here today who took this oath and said, “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against All enemies foreign and domestic, and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same” So help me God! It is to you, that I speak today. Todays holiday marks the anniversary of the 1918 signing of the Armistice. This event marked the end of fighting on the Western Front in the First World War. That signing took place at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Ronald Regan said, “We remember those who were called upon to give all a person can give, and we remember those who were prepared to make that sacrifice if it were demanded of them in the line of duty. Most of all, we remember the devotion and gallantry with which all of them ennobled their nation as they became champions of a noble cause. Today, I want to tell you about a decorated Pickens County Veteran and a man that I called a friend. He was born July 31, 1949. He served in the Army from 1967 until 1969. From May 20, 1968 until January 20, 1969 he served in Saigon and Pleiku, Viet Nam. During that time, he earned the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious achievement in ground operations against hostile forces. His name was Jerel Cantrell and a few years later, we became next door neighbors. Jerel passed away on May 15, 2002 of lung cancer complications. He was 52 years old. Jerel died at a young age and, before cancer, was one of the strongest men I have ever known. Here’s what the 1991 Agent Orange act states, “Veterans who served anywhere in Viet Nam between January, 1962 and  May, 1975, are presumed to be exposed to herbicides.” I leave you to draw your own conclusions. Jerel’s father was a sheriff of our county. Jerel became a Hero to our people. Jerel  Cantrell was one of us, a veteran, And, in my heart and  mind, I see every Veteran here to day as Americas Hero’s. In his Gettysburg address, Abraham Lincoln said, “The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated this ground far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here” Nothing I can say or do will add to nor detract from what Jerel Cantrell did or the man that he was. What I can do is remember him. Just like every person assembled here today can remember your friends, your brothers in arms, both living and dead. And that’s how and why we celebrate Veterans Day! As I close, I want to say that this will be my final speech as your Mayor. Although Cancer has prevented me from serving another term, it has been my great honor to serve you! And to have the opportunity to give my final speech to a group of local veterans that I know, that I trust and that I love is all together both fitting and proper! May God bless you All and May God bless these United States. Thank You!

Mary's Ride

Mary’s Ride


Dream Garden

Dream Garden

DREAM GARDEN From chaos Now your garden grows Around a path That no one knows. It, too, is new And frames your home In symmetry Of perfect form. Stones placed with stones Polished by streams That tumbled down To feed your dreams. Placed here between A rose and tree, A wishing well For all to see. New trees reach limbs Toward the sky Framed by flowers To please your eye. And, here, a swing For children’s play Or idle time You’ll while away, As gently swaying To and fro, You plot to make Your garden grow.

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